Scholarships & Loans

Application Process

The Jennie Dean Educational Foundation, Inc. provides financial assistance to students in pursuit of higher education.  Students may apply for the Miss Jeannie Dean Scholarship and/or loan.  Scholarships and loans range from $1,000.00 - $3,000.00.


January 15th - Application available on website and mailed to local schools and churches

February 28th - Application deadline 

March – April - Application review and selection of awardees

May - Luncheon on the 1st Saturday in May and scholarship presentation at schools

Dr. Thurma Goldman

‘It’s a thrill to watch the growth of the Jennie Dean Educational Foundation, Inc (JDEF) (Formerly Manassas Educational Foundation, Inc). My name is Thurma McCann Goldman and I joined the Board in 1986. When the invitation came to me, it was a time in my life that I felt the need to make a community contribution and fulfil my goal of giving back. So, how did I get involved with JDEF?”

I was a struggling medical student matriculating at Howard University College of Medicine (1971-1975). My single mother would not think of retiring until I finished – just in case she was needed to help out. My older sister was also contributing to make this dream come true. My mother found out about the Jennie Dean Loan program through a work colleague, Mr. Emerson Weaver, who was a member of the Board of Directors of the Manassas Educational Foundation. I never hesitated to apply and accept the terms of the loan - twice. It was a resource that helped me buy books and equipment. 

Following graduation, and while I was doing a residency in Pediatrics at the Martin Luther King, Jr General Hospital near Watts in Los Angeles, I was fortunate to have housing and meals provided. For the first time, I was actually able to save a little money. I also knew that this was a great time to start paying back my educational loans. The JDEF loan was one of the first that I paid back. 

When I returned to the Washington area in 1985, I was a practicing Pediatrician with a Master’s degree in Public Health. I worked at Children’s Hospital National Medical Center as a Fellow in Adolescent Medicine. I was so grateful to be back home and providing care in my community. Mr. Weaver, who was still a JDEF Board member, reached out to me, through my mother. I remember my Mother’s expression of pride and joy that I was being considered. I accepted the opportunity to be part of this Board of prestigious professionals who were dedicated to providing scholarships and loans to needy students. Just as they had done for me, I was now going to dedicate my time and talents to help others. 

I encourage any former recipients of Foundation support to step up to join the Board of Directors of the Jennie Dean Foundation, Inc. It is rewarding and an act of community service that impacts more lives than we can imagine.